Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Why Girls Wear Make-up

I am almost a total makeup newbie. I used to do the whole mascara-lipgloss-bronzing powder thing in high school, totally not knowing what I was doing but hoping putting anything on would make me look better. I mostly used my mom's discarded cosmetics, and didn't really try things for myself. Whenever I tried to wear eyeliner or eyeshadow something would go horribly wrong, and I'd look comical rather than attractive. And there was no way I was going to buy any makeup brushes, because those cheap ones that come with the products were good enough to do the job!

And then, I had a period where I wore absolutely no makeup, which continued into university. I was proud to be completely bare-faced, un-enhanced, and product-free and I liked the idea that there was nothing "unnatural" about my appearance. I was also proud to not have extra makeup products and be so minimalist that I didn't own any nail polish, and I didn't understand why people would want to spend time primping and making themselves more "fake". Obviously I've changed my views since then, and frequently paint my nails now!

So I've been through a few phases. Now I've joined the ranks of all the girls who do wear makeup, and enjoy presenting a "fixed-up" and put-together image of myself to the world. I don't see it as "fake" anymore, provided nothing's too overdone. I own a simple set of makeup brushes now, and try products I'm interested in rather than just using hand-me-downs. I still don't go for foundation because I do like a more natural look, and don't want heavy products on my face - I use BB cream instead. And I'd like to move towards using more natural products, especially for things I use daily. I'm a bit concerned about putting things onto my skin that have ingredients I don't understand and don't know the effects of. However in the meantime, I'm still experimenting with trying different products and styles. (And doing it on a budget too, not only am I a "poor student," but I've got a big purchase coming up in the near future so need to save as much as possible!)

Here's a short list of benefits people can get from wearing makeup:

1. Confidence boost
This isn't why I personally wear makeup, and I didn't suffer from a lack of confidence in my makeup-free phase. But for some girls, being able to cover up "imperfections" helps them to leave the house feeling better about themselves. Regardless of whether you "need" it or not, it feels good to know that you look nice and put-together when you see people, and makeup can help people feel nice and put-together.

2. Improvement of appearance
It's also nice to feel that you're actively doing something that improves your appearance and taking care of yourself. Not that girls can't look good without makeup, but if we face facts, it's always possible to look better with a bit of makeup if you're doing it right. So, if it's possible to look better but essentially unchanged in appearance, rather, still natural but simply enhanced, then why wouldn't you?
In addition, I wear makeup for work in an effort to seem a bit more mature. I teach children violin and piano, but I feel like I have just come out of the realms of childhood myself, and am actually still a student too. So a bit of lipstick can sometimes help me feel like I look old enough to "legitimately" be a teacher.

3. Creative and artistic expression
Applying products can feel like artistry, and professional makeup artists definitely use skilled artistry and have lots of knowledge on their subject. Makeup gives girls the possibility to change their look on a day to day basis, to better suit the occasion, their outfit, and their mood. It can be an expression of their identity.

4. It's fun, and a good way to socially connect
There are loads of people on the internet who specialize in makeup and beauty, and post makeup tutorial videos on Youtube to help those who are just starting to explore makeup, like me. You can meet tons of people who have similar interests this way, do product reviews, and even form bonds over the products you like. If we've got to be consumerist, might as well get some real social interaction out of it.

And finally, as a side-note, it doesn't have to take ages or be expensive!
I get a lot of products online for much cheaper than retail prices, and I don't take long to get ready in the morning. It only takes me 5-10 minutes to get ready for work/university, and maybe a few minutes longer for a fancy occasion, depending on if I know what "look" I'm going for in advance or not. And you can take advantage of all the beauty reviews of other bloggers to read up about what products you may or may not like, and maybe save yourself some unsatisfying purchases.

Obviously, if you don't enjoy wearing makeup then there's no real need for you to do so. These are just a few of the reasons that people do enjoy using makeup in their day to day lives.

To all you ladies (and men) out there, what's the main reason you wear, or don't wear, makeup?

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