Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bulletproof Coffee

In my post about Rain I mentioned something called "bulletproof coffee." Now I'm going to explain what I meant by that!

Basically everything you need to know can be found here:

The "Bulletproof Executive" writes about living life in a state of optimum performance, getting leaner, having more energy and even upgrading brain function and increasing IQ. A big part of this is the food you eat, or choose to avoid. The bulletproof diet is about only choosing foods that have a positive effect on your body, and avoiding those with negative effects.

New World, a supermarket chain in New Zealand
I've probably gotten the most so far from the key points about eating healthy fats and eliminating sugar from the diet. I don't eat completely "bulletproof" (yet, anyway), but I do enjoy starting my day with a cup of bulletproof coffee.

I do this from what I have access to in my the supermarkets here, with single-origin plunger coffee grinds, unsalted grass-fed butter, and MCT oil ordered from

On the surface this might sound like simply skipping breakfast in lieu of coffee, but in reality the fats from the butter and MCT oil keep you full, just as a meal of solid food would have. And the big upside of starting the day like this is that bulletproof coffee has no toxins, so you start off the day with fresh and healthy fuel rather than with sugars and toxin-contaminated fats. The description and explanations from the Bulletproof Executive website above will probably any questions you might have!

I've also found that just from partially implementing this diet, my cravings for sweet foods have decreased. I no longer find the idea of sugary candy appealing. Chocolate and dairy products I'm still working on, but I am optimistic that when I am following the diet more fully I will no longer crave those either.

Again, the big take-home message for me from this way of eating is that healthy fats are better than sugar, and they keep you more full and provide your body with less toxins, and therefore more energy! I would highly recommend that everyone at least try a week of having bulletproof coffee for breakfast, and see if it works for you too!

And yes people, that is Mozart on the coffee mug...true music enthusiast here,
from the first thing in the morning!

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