Friday, July 5, 2013

Blogging: Instant Internet "Journalism"

Here I am, marking this Independence Day (for all the Americans out there, 4th of July, yeah!) not with fireworks, but by joining the world of blogging, putting material that I have written out there for others to potentially read. Anyone can have their claim on a small corner of the internet, with any purpose in mind, or even no purpose at all. It's a great way to express creativity, display inspirational thoughts or photos, or share your knowledge so that you may help those who are reading, your internet audience.

Creating a blog on the internet is so easy these days. It's like an instant way to experience the life of a journalist, albeit only on the internet, and without the pressure of deadlines or the frustrations of not getting to write about what interests you. People no longer have to write books to communicate their ideas and stories to others, or struggle to find someone to publish them. Everyone has an equal chance on the internet, for better or for worse. Bloggers all have one thing in common though, by definition: they write

I'm sure there will be some things that I may come to regret publicly posting, or rather, personal thoughts and ideas that I write about that might change over time as I change as a person. But, I think that everyone can empathize with this. We are all changing as people, gaining new skills and interests, letting go of others we have outgrown or no longer need in our lives.

Humans are a changing race. This is a changing world. I want to try my hand at writing about it.

Although, fireworks are a pretty great way to celebrate Independence Day too.

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