Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Definition of YOU.

"Time and tide wait for no man", as they say, and time is definitely continuing to pass at a pace that I am not currently enjoying, with the end of the school-year (in New Zealand) rapidly approaching.  For fellow bloggers out there, you've probably all hit a patch where life has been wearing you down a bit and you can't bring yourself to feel strongly enough about anything to actually write about it...apathetic writer's block brought on by being slightly overwhelmed, perhaps. Well, this is an appropriately un-romantic post at a time when life feels distinctly un-romantic.

Anyway without further ado,
will come discussion of the definition of you.
What makes a man, or woman unique?
The different factors can seem quite oblique.

There are personal choices, fashions, trends,
and those one chooses to have as friends.
What is it, though, that people really see?
Well, it's you, who controls that malady.

Well perhaps malady's a strong and negative word for people's perceptions, but sometimes perception is indeed undesirable. There are a few factors you can control. People are judged both on things that they have, (material things) and things that they are or do. The latter category is seen as the idealistic, "more important" one, but truthfully a lot of people will judge you more on material things, and indeed they will do this before they even know who you are or what you do.

Although this is a somewhat depressing reflection on today's society, we can use this when considering what we buy or own. Does each and every thing we have reflect some part of who we are, or how we want to be perceived by others? And if not, why buy or own it?

However, this also shows in people who are constantly buying for who they want to be rather than who they are now, don't fall into this habit. People who have too-small jeans they're holding onto, or books they've never read, or equipment they'll never use. Know who you are, and if you want to change who you are then by all means take measures to do so but don't buy things you won't use - in this case, start with the action. Make sure you can change what you do and that it feels right as a part of yourself, before you spend money on all the accessories. Don't buy for a vision, buy for your reality.

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