Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Comprehension of Humanity

As I looked out of my bathroom window this morning, something struck me, something I had always known as a fact but only fully realize in certain moments, like this.

I live in a city.

A city full of tall buildings and lots of people all doing their own thing. I never feel it though. It doesn't feel as if Wellington is "bustling with life" and full of business-people, but the many tall buildings say otherwise. Though they appear solid and still, they are not empty, and there is movement within their quiet exteriors.

Who are these people who work and live in the tall buildings, the self-contained little environments of so-called productivity? We are all small parts of machinery that make up the whole of the planet, each adding our own energy and producing our own waste. I don't think humans have the ability to comprehend how many of us there are currently in existence, and how insignificant each of us is as an individual. And even if we could, we still don't know to what end we are working. Or in other words, we just don't know the purpose of our existence.

I don't like thinking about it much, probably not many people do. I guess there can be a satisfaction in knowing that you don't have an impact. A certain peace can come from that knowledge, I guess...the thought that you simply spend your allotted time on Earth, and then depart to do who-knows-what-next. But that peace isn't there for me, not yet at least.

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